#1 Your friend is wrong, wild Red Junglefowl lay 200-300 eggs per year, many domestic chicken breeds lay fewer than that, and very few lay more.
#2 Ethics are personal, feel free to ignore any ethical claims that don't agree with your personal ethics.
#3 Of
course domestic chickens are 'unnatural', they have undergone thousands of years of selective breading. Selective breeding (in breeding) tends to lead to genetic defects, this has nothing to do with how many eggs a hen lays. Giving artificial hormones to domestic chickens doesn't make them more "natural, quite the opposite.
If people didn't raise chickens for meat && eggs, those chickens wouldn't exist. Chickens generally live a pretty nice life, food and
water provided for them, protected from predators, etc.
If the fact that chickens have been bred to fit a specific role bothers you, you might consider raising an older 'heritage' species that is less specific, or dual purpose chickens that are broody and let them breed as they choose.
Araucana perhaps, they only lay about 130 (blue) eggs per year, or perhaps an Australorp, Brahman, Orpington , or Barred Rock.
Or you could go all out and raise Red Junglefowl, the progenitor of chickens. They are available for sale: