For reasons I’ll explain in another
thread, I am supremely not fussy about my
coffee. If it’s caffeinated, it’s fine.
I am also a garage sale hound. And I have noticed that, at least in these parts, “gift” packages of flavored coffees (packaged to look fancy, though the coffee is usually mystery crap) often appear for sale. Frequently in entire sets. Often vacuum sealed. But — the catches — never are these packages freshness dated, and usually they are flavored to hide poor original bean quality.
Upside: you can often get these packages and boxed sets of packages for $.25, $.50, or $1.00, especially if you innocently ask how old the coffee is and they don’t know. I paid fifty cents for the pound seen below. THEY suggested the price while I hemmed and hawed.
It always brews up OK. I flavor it my way (usually with chocolate almond
milk) and it’s fine. Not great, but better than carafe coffee at the convenience store... “Damned near free coffee” covers a multitude of minor imperfections in my frugality book!
(The lesson here generalizes. Some of the best deals at garage sales are expensive unwanted consumables that nobody looks at because they are hounding after expensive tools and antiques and collectibles while I load up on: partial bags of garden soil and amendments, fifty cent cans of spray paint, shop fluids, lubricants, and cleansers; assortments of brand new nails and screws at pennies on the dollar versus new price, dollar or quarter partial rolls of bailing or electrical wire, flagging, tape, weatherstripping...)