I've just finished reading all the information about
DE and have a BIG
question, we have earwigs in the house, mostly the kitchen but I am
beginning to think they have moved out into the rest of the house. DE was
recommended by my nephew who uses it all the time in his large garden. I
asked him for something that would be safe for my two beagles, who, if you
know beagles, will eat anything. Pesticides make them ill, I am wondering
about DE if we have to take any special precautions when applying it besides
having the dogs out of the house, or if we apply it outside in the
yard around the house, if it would be harmful to them? How safe would this
product be for my dogs? I want to apply it sometime this weekend or early
next week, I'm beginning to take the invasion personally.
Aberdeen, SD has had a lot of
water and now heat this year...I'm told this
is perfect weather for them, and that almost every acre of
land is infested
with them....can they really be killed if so many people have them, how do I
keep them from returning?
Thanks so much for any help you can offer me.
Cathy Jacobson