For all your Montana Masonry Heater parts (also known as) Rocket Mass heater parts.
Visit me at Once you go brick you will never go back!
For all your Montana Masonry Heater parts (also known as) Rocket Mass heater parts.
Visit me at Once you go brick you will never go back!
thomas rubino wrote:If the copper plate isn't quite right for your design. Leaving your granite back 1 to 1.5 " back from the edge of the fire brick will certainly help protect it from the heat. Gerry suggested possibly using ceramic fiber board (1/2") under your granite that is over the feed tube. This would work fine as well. I would still keep the granite away from the edge.
I tested the temps on my stove last night. The top of the fire bricks were 225-250 F if I measured down 2" temp was 570 F +
For all your Montana Masonry Heater parts (also known as) Rocket Mass heater parts.
Visit me at Once you go brick you will never go back!
thomas rubino wrote:
For your application, of a showpiece rmh that folks can sit on . I would consider using the Walker style 1/2 barrel's in your bench. They would heat up your bench faster than a traditional pipe thru mass method.
Silence is Golden
For all your RMH needs:
Staci Kopcha wrote:Hi Dan!
I have't watch video or read details yet- looking forward to it.
The end product looks Awesome!!
Very "low profile" for a rmh!! Mine seems like a sloppy goliath in contrast. (earnestly working on plaster this weeked!)
Are you please with performance?
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A rocket mass heater is the most sustainable way to heat a conventional home