Hmmmm, I'm not terribly versed at how the freebies work. But, here's a few things that might work.
First off, if you've received a dailyish email, look toward the bottom and it
should have a link to a freebie there. I know links are supposed to get sent out that way, with different freebies attached to the dailyish until you've got them all. Or something like that....I just write the dailyish--I don't know too much about the freebies!
Another thing to try is to go to The Digital Market and find the plan there, and see if at the bottom of the post there's a download attachment button. You won't be able to see it unless you were either given the plans or bought them.
A third place to look is your "
My Stuff." You can see the link at the top of the page, or perhaps try following this link ( and that, I THINK, should give you links to all the freebies you have access to, once you have access to them.
Hopefully someone with a bit more knowledge than me can come along and give you some more
concrete answers!