I am going to try and keep my road going up to the top of the hill this year broken open all winter, and really dreaded the thought of pushing snow for a half mile. I knew I needed a way to push more snow, but hoped to use my Kubota to do so. With all our driveways circular in shape, a v-plow made sense there as well.
I wanted something big, rugged and cheap, so I ended up laminating 2x4's together to get me what I needed. This was only a test run, but it is (4) 2x4's high and really worked out well. In fact it knocked about 2 hours off my normal plowing time.
It created (2) beams 4 inches wide and 8 inches high, with horizontal supports weaved into the lamination to make it really rugged. I also laminated the hitch area so that it would hold up to the stress of being pulled. It is heavy
enough so that it stays against the ground and does not ride on top of the snow, yet is light enough to be pulled by my small
tractor. Its long length keeps it flat to the ground as well so that the back does not try to flip upwards as it is towed.
It is not going to work for 2 foot snowstorms of
course, but we normally get more 6-8 inch storms and this would be good for that. Just one pass is needed. In fact that is its downfall if it has one. There is no side-loading one side and widening the roadway. It is 100% self-centering so what you get is what you get. Mine is 12 feet wide, so anyone who is going to make their own, make it as wide as your road/driveway.
(It is sitting on blocks of
wood in this photo so that it does not freeze to the ground when parked)