Allibeth Cohen

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since May 01, 2012
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Recent posts by Allibeth Cohen

I'm doing some research for my Mother. She is ready to start building her food forest, but we do have some concerns.

I'm around zone 7 in North East Georgia. The soil is red clay, I don't know if I should refer to it as soil?
It is hard packed. We are thinking of starting Hugelkulture beds. Any ideas on where to get wood?
There are only 6 trees on her property. She has 1 acre.

Also, we are trying to figure out what to plant. How do we get started?

I am finding it very difficult to find information. What is a person to do without knowing to begin with?

If you have any specific ideas or advice that would be wonderful. I'm also interested in resources to research this information.

Also, if you need any other specific information about our situation to help, just ask. I don't know what else to include?
12 years ago
9. Please contact me when this is going to happen! (c;
12 years ago
My family and I are trying to find a homesteading or farming opportunity in Central Mass.. or anywhere within 1 hour of Worcester, MA. However, the closer to Worcester the better. We are interested in either an apprenticeship or partnership. We have 2 small children. Let me know if any of you have ideas for us? Thanks.
12 years ago