Don Titmus

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since Jun 29, 2012
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Recent posts by Don Titmus

May 9-11 - Campout and Hand's-on Swaling Class in the cool pines nr Show Low

Gather on Friday.
Main Swaling Class Saturday the potluck
Sunday morning use of Windbreaks, then relax

visit the Bee Oasis event page

It will be Great Fun

All Aboard for the Train!! The Swaling Train!!
10 years ago
Hey Joel,
I'm in the East Phoenix Area. The Bee Oasis [ find me at - bee oasis or on FB - Bee Oasis.] I have a lot of Permaculture elements because I'm a demonstration/teaching place. You are welcome to park up and enjoy the AZ Sun, share food and knowledge.
Don and Cris with kids - Jing and Lily
11 years ago
The 2014 FDPC Permaculture Design Course. [My 14th!!]

The World renowned course; the content is mostly the same in every country, by every teacher. It regionally differs that's all. An Urban and Drylands focused
course is for everyone who is serious in learning how to create a more sustainable life in all areas: food production, energy use, transportation, housing/shelter, water use, community building and so much more. Your view of sustainability will be broadened and deepened, stretching your idea of what is possible. This course is suitable for every level of knowledge. From seasoned gardeners, students, landscapers, architects, trades people, housewives, and all levels and ages in between.
Your experience will go beyond the classroom as you develop your design project and community along the way. Four primary host sites will be hosts for each of the weekend classes in addition to arranged tours. Each topic and weekend is organized to build upon each other so that by the end of the course you will have all you need to create an integrated permaculture design. Some classes are intense, others relaxed, but all will be rewarding. The last weekend is an overnight planned at a rural community.

I want to make this affordable and practical for all. Payment plan if needed see it on my web site by Money order, Cash or Check or PayPal via the web]

For questions regarding the course, scholarships, payment plans and class openings please email the course provider and primary Teacher - Don Titmus at

The 72 hour class full price is $800 but if you get the deposit in by Saturday, January 18th then it will be $700 [ the discount price]. Couples Discount is $1300. Scholarships available.

Please go to my website and make the payment, fill out the Registration Form and email me that you have done so.

Thanks I look forward to being with you in class. Because You cannot get the experience that is Permaculture from a computer screen!!
Class start February 8th
dates are -
w/e 1 – February 8/9
w/e 2 – March 1/2
w/e 3 – March 22/23
w/e 4 – April 12/13
presentation day – April 26

Thanks for spreading the word, I need help to change the world!
Sponsors needed – cant take the course then pay for someone else to take it for you and get your design!!

Thanks for your consideration
Don Titmus
Four Directions PermaCulture
11 years ago
Final week - Reserve your place at Wind Spirit intentional Community.

Join us For a Positive future......

Saturday October 12th
Sustainable Food Security – A permaculture class on Water, Soil, Seeds, and Forest Gardening. 10am to noon then 1 to 3pm [then I’ll race you to the pool!!]. Come for the day or the weekend.

$40 total for Saturday only (includes the $30 for your course plus all fees for land usage/kitchen usage/etc.); we charge an additional $10 for overnight guests- Friday and Saturday nights.

Beginning in the morning we’ll start with a focus on water in the desert, how to harvest and store water on the land for food abundance, and desert soils, structure, improvement, and fertility. We’ll continue after lunch with seed saving, plus a little bit on cuttings. Finally close with Forest Gardening - the culmination of the set up work to facilitate the “resilient” food productive designed forest.

Don Titmus – An AZ horticulturist since 1981, has his own garden maintenance business and a permaculture business. He has taught the Permaculture Design Course in the East Phoenix area since 2007 more at

Cris Franco -
has spent most of her life in the Southwestern desert with excursions throughout East Asia. Her homeland is the Sonoran Desert and she enjoys deepening her indigenous desert roots through wild harvesting, growing traditional crop varieties, and seed saving.
Her formal permaculture education began in Spring 2008 when she completed an urban Permaculture Design Course in Phoenix, AZ followed by the Desert Landscape School through the Desert Botanical Garden. In 2012 she completed Seed Library School followed by Seed School through Native Seeds/SEARCH. In 2013 she completed an Advanced Permaculture Training in Youth and Child Permaculture Education through the Learning Gardens Institute and the Indigenous Sustainable Communities Design Course offered by the Traditional Native American Farmers Association.

Her interests in permaculture lie more in the social realms of family, culture, and traditional health (Zone 00). In August 2012 she created Rio Salado Seedshed Library, a seed library network for the greater Phoenix area.

Address: 4514 E. Dripping Springs Rd., Winkelman, AZ 85192
Features: Wind Spirit Community is surrounded by the beauty of the Sonoran desert and nestled among lush gardens and fruit trees. It offers comfortable indoor and outdoor facilities for workshop sessions, such as a wood-crafted yoga deck and sunlit recreation room. Overnight accommodations include charming, eclectic indoor spaces as well as a variety of camp sites. Facilities also include an above-ground pool, sauna, computer room with internet access (limited), three excellently-maintained composting toilets, an outdoor solar shower, two indoor showers, space for hands-on gardening and more!

do's/don'ts: Do bring a flashlight, sense of adventure, reverence for nature, food (you choose to bring potluck style dishes to share meals with the community – BF, Lunch, and Dinner, or to be self contained NB see note below!), an instrument if you play, and camping gear if you plan to stay a night or two with us in a tent (indoor spaces also possibly available)! Don't bring copious amounts of alcohol/drugs/loud music/all that jazz. Don’t forget your note pad and camera.

NB -We are primarily a vegetarian community! Other diets can be accommodated but there is no cooking of fish, beef or fowl in the community kitchen. We have an outdoor barbecue for those who desire to eat these occasionally. Please read the communities guidelines [visitors section] before arriving at the land!

To RSVP contact Don
11 years ago
Hello All.

I am hosting the one day Permaculture class at the Bee Oasis July 27th. 8.30am – 4.30pm.....only $40....what a bargain!
It would be a combination of presentation and tour, with a potluck lunch....a great chance to get a feel for what Permaculture is about.

The Bee Oasis tour will happen first with an emphasis on the Permaculture Strategies. Then indoors for the presentation on all the main topics covering Permaculture and a potluck lunch midday. Bring your site plan if you have one and we’ll take a look at it.

Plus it happens to be the last day to sign up for the discount to the Fall 72 hour FDPC PDC

Cheers, Don

Four Directions PermaCulture

The PDC info page
The PDC starts August 24th – don’t wait to sign up!!!
11 years ago
Announcing the FDPC Permaculture Design Course for the Fall of 2013.

Don Titmus, with other experienced Local Teachers/experts will be the class guides...

Four weekends and a day.

August 24th & 25th

September 14th & 15th

October 5th & 6th

October 26th & 27th

November 9th (Presentation Day)

Time: 8:30 am–5:30 pm

Registration and Deadlines

Total cost: $750

Early Bird special - $100 off the regular cost with your deposit made by July 27th, making the cost $650

Couples discount, Scholarships and sponsorship on the website.

$100 non-refundable deposit reserves your spot. There are 13 spots available, and two Sponsorships [one teen and one native].

All balances due on or before August 17, 2011 [payment plan excluded]

payment options on the website

Students will be required to complete:
• 72 hours of in-class instruction • Course enhancing homework • 12 hours of hands-on instruction.

Participants will become certificated permaculture designers upon successful completion. Any classes (or portions) missed due to extenuating circumstances will have to be made up. Four primary home sites will be host sites for each of the weekend classes, making for a very personal experience of Permaculture. Plus other arranged tours. Every student will be guided step-by-step in the process of developing a Permaculture Design.

Course Topics Include:
• Permaculture Ethics and Principles• Patterns in Nature - Patterns that Connect• Sector Analysis, Site Assessment and Mapping• Design Practicum• Water Harvesting and Drylands Strategies• Zones, [Micro]climates and Guilds• Chickens and Bees - Animals in Permaculture• Organic Gardening, Soils, and Composting• Forest Systems• Alternative Energy and Alternative Cooking• Zone 00 – Body, Mind, Spirit.• Zone 0 - Green Building• Alternative Money Systems• Kids in Permaculture• Eco Village Design and Community
Visit for registration forms, PDF Brochure, additional information, and payment options.

Many, Many Thanks

Don Titmus
Four Directions PermaCulture
11 years ago
Hello All
We have a PDC planned for the Fall in the East Phoenix Az area.

Registration has begun for the 72 hr certificated Permaculture Design Course in the Fall, go here....
A primary feature of this course is that you will personally experience permaculture by taking the classes at permacultured homesites with experienced local teachers and experts, and do so in a perfectly sized group for incredible collaboration and friendships.

Every PDC around the world has the same basic course topics, the difference apart from the teachers style, is the location. Every location will have more about where you are at than another site. Every PDC is similar but none are the same!!!

Don's PDC is a drylands, urban living Course

AND remember this course is for saving money, which is making money. It is about your future, more self reliant, more community and more vibrant health.

If you cannot commit to the PDC then perhaps the one Day is for you...
please spread the word about this one day Permaculture class – July 28th. Its a full day...... powerpoint, activities and tour for $40. 8.30a - 4.30p with a community potluck lunch. A FANTASTIC DEAL!!

An 8 hour workshop on the basics of permaculture [the practice of living sustainably] Permaculture is a global design methodology that is environmentally sensitive to the changeable future we are all responsible for and can all turn around! Become a Solution!

Requested Donation $40 RSVP For questions - email –

These presentations are given by Don Titmus a graduate of the Permaculture Design Course (2003) and a Certified Permaculture Teacher since 2004. He currently teaches permaculture-related classes throughout the East Valley.In addition he has 35 years experience in horticulture , 12 of those years in organic vegetable gardening.Don has a xeriscape gardening practice in the East Valley area and is expanding his Permaculture business through various avenues.

12 years ago
Jason and All

We have a one day Permaculture class – July 28th 2012. Its a full day...... powerpoint, activities and tour for $40. 8.30a - 4.30p with a community potluck lunch. A FANTASTIC DEAL!!

An 8 hour workshop on the basics of permaculture [the practice of living sustainably] Permaculture is a global design methodology that is environmentally sensitive to the changeable future we are all responsible for and can all turn around! Become a Solution!

Requested Donation $40 RSVP For questions - email –
This presentation is given by Don Titmus a graduate of the Permaculture Design Course (2003) and a Certified Permaculture Teacher since 2004. He currently teaches permaculture-related classes throughout the East Valley.In addition he has 35 years experience in horticulture , 12 of those years in organic vegetable
gardening.Don has a xeriscape gardening practice in the East Valley area and is expanding his Permaculture business through various avenues.

AND Registration has begun for the 72 hr certificated Permaculture Design Course in the Fall 2012, go here....
A primary feature of this course is that you will personally experience permaculture by taking the classes at permacultured homesites with experienced local teachers and experts, and do so in a perfectly sized group for incredible collaboration and friendships.

Every PDC around the world has the same basic course topics, the difference apart from the teachers style, is the location. Every location will have more about where you are at than another site. Every PDC is similar but none are the same!!!

Don's PDC is a drylands, urban living Course

AND remember this course is for saving money, which is making money. It is about your future, more self reliant, more community and more vibrant health.
12 years ago