Jason and All
We have a one day Permaculture
class – July 28th 2012. Its a full day...... powerpoint, activities and tour for $40. 8.30a - 4.30p with a community potluck lunch. A FANTASTIC DEAL!!
An 8 hour workshop on the basics of permaculture [the practice of living sustainably] Permaculture is a global design methodology that is environmentally sensitive to the changeable future we are all responsible for and can all turn around! Become a Solution!
Requested Donation $40 RSVP For questions - email –
This presentation is given by Don Titmus a graduate of the
Permaculture Design Course (2003) and a Certified Permaculture Teacher since 2004. He currently teaches permaculture-related classes throughout the East Valley.In addition he has 35 years
experience in horticulture , 12 of those years in organic vegetable
gardening.Don has a xeriscape
gardening practice in the East Valley area and is expanding his Permaculture business through various avenues.
AND Registration has begun for the 72 hr certificated Permaculture Design Course in the Fall 2012, go here....
A primary feature of this course is that you will personally experience permaculture by taking the classes at permacultured homesites with experienced local teachers and experts, and do so in a perfectly sized group for incredible collaboration and friendships.
Every PDC around the world has the same basic course topics, the difference apart from the teachers style, is the location. Every location will have more about where you are at than another site. Every PDC is similar but none are the same!!!
Don's PDC is a drylands, urban living Course
AND remember this course is for saving money, which is making money. It is about your future, more self reliant, more community and more vibrant health.