Jasmine Maurer

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since Apr 15, 2013
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We installed two benches, but on two different floors maintaining air flow in one direction.
Our RMH is new, first firing was in October 2012, but so far really good. The upstairs bench doesn't get nearly as warm as the downstairs bench, but it does bring heat upstairs and it is still a cozy place to sit. For our purposes we are pleased with the functionality of it.
11 years ago
We installed a RMH last fall and used it through the winter to heat our home. Now that spring is here we are ready to plaster and finish the stove. However, we are unsure if we should tile the floor first and then plaster or the other way around. Someone pointed out that the plaster may not stick to the tiles (we plan to use grey slate not ceramic). Should the floor be finished before or after plastering a RMH? We would appreciate hearing other people experiences.

Thank you
11 years ago