Jasmine M. : I don't know, and can't
answer your Question, but in a perfect world you still have lots of options . For clarity i will describe a free standing bench -
one that does not come near any walls ,freestanding, that bench should be as close to a perfect rhomboid as possible for a bench made with rounded corners
on/at its top. i.e. the top should be level and Parallel to the bottom where it makes contact with the floor, with the bottom shorter than the top. The two sides
should flair out from the short base to the wider top !
This shape ,with a 'small or short' bottom increasing out to a wider top, includes room for some one sitting on your bench to put their heels slightly more directly
underneath them when attempting to stand upright Try it with a 4 legged chair and you will see how much you attempt to move your legs back,or slide your bum
forward when attempting to rise, you have already learn this trick, and its automatic with you. Its one of the reasons why your the bed in your sleeping room
does not go all the way to your floor.
If you have used lots of
straw in your last few coats on your bench, and left a roughened/ dimpled surface, you will be able to increase the mass of your bench
working outwards from the base. This leaves the final question how high should your bench be, which I will answer by quoting Abe Lincoln, when asked how long
a mans legs should be he replied, " long
enough to reach the ground'' i.e. you are the only one to find out the exact height right for you .
While I have not shed any light on your original question, I hope this got to you in time and was helpful, be Safe, keep Warm, PYRo magically - Big Al