Let's call it "Wheaton's 2nd Law of Level Water:" In social settings, people of similar interests will tend towards the same location.
It's not a matter of crazy; it's just a matter of non-aligning interests. The world needs lawyers (well, bad example), and the world needs farmers.
Some people like to discuss law and politics and religion. Others, just listening to such discussion makes them nauseous.
At large parties, while I can tolerate the chit-chat for a few minutes; but, after ten minutes, you'll usually find me with my back in a corner of the room. I consider such settings a total waste of time.
Choose your setting; choose your battles. Life's too short to let other people's stuff bother you. When you're confronted by their "craziness," just remember that it's their 90%.
Just deal with your 10% and let it slide.
More than likely, it's just that you're traveling in different circles that have just a smidgen of overlap that brings them into your sphere.
Here's an analogy:
At my 10-year high school reunion, all my acquaintances were in their accumulation phase, and felt compelled to thrill me with their high-paying jobs, their quasi-partnership status, etc.
By the time we got to our 40th reunion, the same fellows had gone through that phase and now couldn't care less what anyone else was doing. They were more concerned with their colesterol, high blood pressure, and kids that gave them constant grief.
Imagine if one of those 10-year reunion fellows had joined in a conversation at our 40-year reunion!
Personally, I'm a recovering lawyer. [I completed step 9 - apologizing those I those I abused through arrogance.] I look back on my testosterone-laden youth with a mix of angst and relief.
10 years ago, I set my sights on permaculture farming as my 2nd half. These days, my wife calls the YouTube and other videos I watch "Farm-Porn."
That suits me just fine.