David Biffel

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since Oct 24, 2013
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Recent posts by David Biffel

What is this weed? Has long taproot. Growing thru 8 inches of mulch. How do I get rid of them. Tried pulling, and flame. Thanks
7 years ago
Not sure,  it's in a spot where my wife planted a plant, but now she thinks it's a weed.
7 years ago
What is this? Live in MN oak savanna.
9 years ago
What kind of trees are these? Live in minnesota.
10 years ago
Lots of these in my field, what are they?
10 years ago
Hi, I just moved to a 10 acre property and need some advice on starting a compost pile. I have a lot of cardboard, 20 large oak and maple trees that were cut down 6 months ago for a septic site, and 2 acres of tall weeds/grass. I plan on using most of the trees for firewood. My wife would like the cardboard gone and the weeds cut down. I do plan on starting a garden next year as well as getting some chickens.

I am interested in sheet mulching, and possibly hugel mounds, and am either going to rent or buy a wood chipper.

Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you
10 years ago
Kids took pic of a weird mushroom, any idea?
10 years ago
Walked woods of new property and need help identifying some plants.
10 years ago