I'm not sure how you would do meal worms to grain conversion but with BSFL the data indicates that mature grubs are about 47% protein and 21% fat. In researching alternative feed sources (crickets-stinky, earthworms-harvesting difficulty, Dubai roaches-harvesting difficulty, meal worms-not researched, wax moth larva-I have bees and they are the enemy) I now have 5 BSFL bins producing about 3/4-1 gallon of grubs weekly and they self harvest. I still feed mash but see less consumption (feed consumption inversely related to grub volume fed). BSFL are easy to attract, eat ANYTHING AND LOTS OF IT and self harvest. You can sell some to the local pet store as food for various lizards. Pet industry calls them reptiworms. If grub bins are maintained in an aerobic state the aroma is akin to compost but it's a unique smell. Aerobic condition is recommended but I have had a few bins go anaerobic with aromas ranging from putrid to ammonia but still the lil buggers just keep coming. It's that smell that attracts the female bsf and tends to repel house flies and fruit flies.
Wishing I could manage my bees as well as I manage BSFL.