Charging cellphones is a very small problem, as there are plenty of solar options. The small cheap stand-alone solar chargers are not very good though so I would not recommend those. I live off-grid in the UK and for the last 2 years have been charging 2 cellphones from an old car battery that is permanently hooked to a 4 watt solar charger. You can buy a clip-on cigarette lighter socket to attach to the battery, and car chargers for phones etc for very little money from Ebay or elsewhere. (this charging set -up of mine lives in the corner of a polythene tunnel(hoop) greenhouse to keep it dry.
To charge larger items like your blender, You'll probably need a more powerful solar panel, and probably an inverter to give you mains power from your battery(you may also need more batteries, but I'm not familiar with your blender so cannot advise about that) Once again, inverters can be bought online for a minimal amount of cash.
Whatever, you should be able to do those things easily within your budget.
Refrigeration is a more difficult problem so I'll leave someone else to hopefully contribute there.
Good luck, and I'm sure you'll enjoy your land.