Aspen Bacwaden

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since Jul 30, 2014
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Recent posts by Aspen Bacwaden

Thank you very much. Sadly the doe didn't make it.. Yes I have another doe but her kits are already past 8 weeks. I held the doe flat on the ground and tried to give milk for the orphaned kit but I don't know if the doe has still milk to give. The kit tried but then stop after 20seconds I think. I'm going to try it again later. The kit can open it's eyes and can hop and run, but when I tried to give pellets it won't eat, same with the water. Will go to our local vet tomorrow.. Thank you very much for your suggestion. Will post an update soon..
9 years ago
Just this morning I was awoken by a squealing sound, and I had to run quickly and saw my doe on the ground. Somehow she manage to get out of her cage and out of there housing and the neighbors dog had bitten her. She's on her cage now but I think she won't make it.. My problem is that she has a 1 kit, 2-3 weeks old.. Please I need suggestion on how to raise the kit..
9 years ago

Tina Paxton wrote:

Aspen Bacwaden wrote:Can I breed a New Zealand white with a Chinchilla rabbit? Pics on link.. They told me the black one is Chinchilla..

First: there is a breed of rabbit called a Chinchilla and then there is a color called Chinchilla.

Either way, yes, you can breed different breeds of domestic rabbits together. The general rule is that the doe should be larger than the buck to avoid problems in delivery though I have heard of folks not having a problem with smaller does bred to larger bucks. What you get is a mixed breed rabbit -- and hybrid vigor. It seems popular to mix, for example, a New Zealand and a Flemish. The mixture generally gives you a fast growing meat rabbit that is larger than a purebred New Zealand.

I am going to spend a lot of time here reading and learning.. THank you.
10 years ago
Can I breed a New Zealand white with a Chinchilla rabbit? Pics on link.. They told me the black one is Chinchilla..
10 years ago