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Abe Connally wrote:to be honest, I prefer mutts. We also use the hides for fur items, and the mutts produce a wide range of colors and patterns. Californians and New Zealands are good, but even my mutts come close to matching their meat performance.
Buy Our Book! Food Web: Concept - Raising Food the Right Way. Learn make more food with less inputs
Off Grid Homesteading - latest updates and projects from our off grid homestead
"To live at all is miracle enough" ~Mervyn Peake
Baryonyx Knife Co. --Owner
Playin' in the dirt
April Ann wrote:Hi all...I'm new here.
I've heard really good things about Champagne D'Argents and their crosses for meat. Locally, everybody and their Aunt Bertha seems to be breeding Giant Flemmish. I've always understood that breed to be a slow grower with lots of bone, but apparently, they know something I don't. Currently, I'm waiting for a 4-H'er to get back to me about some Flemmish x Silver Marten x Champagne crosses...sounds very doable, since I'm looking at pasturing.
I did start with the typical Cal bucks over NZ does, but it was kind of hit or miss for pasturing. But if you're new to rabbits and intend to feed pellets, it could be a good way to start. Aside from the mixes, they are probably the most readily available meat type. I got my first rabbits by going to local shows, talking to breeders and judges, and learning from them how to pick out a good rabbit. It's amazing how much you can learn by seeing so many rabbits in one place!
"To live at all is miracle enough" ~Mervyn Peake
Baryonyx Knife Co. --Owner
Louise Knight wrote:We have just started our breeding program and decided to go for NZ White and Californian Rabbits
Here is a couple of studies that may interest people
The effect of crossing New Zealand White with Californian rabbits on growth and slaughter traits
Postnatal Growth of New Zealand White Rabbit
Jen inOr wrote:
Louise Knight wrote:We have just started our breeding program and decided to go for NZ White and Californian Rabbits
Here is a couple of studies that may interest people
The effect of crossing New Zealand White with Californian rabbits on growth and slaughter traits
Postnatal Growth of New Zealand White Rabbit
Hi! I'm new here and was wondering if anyone could answer a few questions for me about crossing NZW and CAL? My sons started 4-H rabbits this year and are interested in crossing the two. The research shows results for NZWXCAL and CALXNZW. Is the doe or buck the first in the equation? Sorry, I tried to find the info in the article with no success. Also, my boys are interested in perhaps selling rabbits for pelts like other rabbit breeders in our area. Do companies like to have purebreds or is a cross okay as long as it's white? Thanks so much for your time! Jenny
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Shenanigans of the sheep and wooly sort.. And many more..
Papa always says, "Don't go away angry... just go away." --On the highway going from here to there the question is oft asked "are we there yet". The oft given answer is "not quite yet". So it goes with life and with my little piece of it. This is my story. I get to tell it my way. I hope you enjoy it.
Tina Paxton wrote:SILVER FOXES!! Docile meat bricks with a great pelt.
Aspen Bacwaden wrote:Can I breed a New Zealand white with a Chinchilla rabbit? Pics on link.. They told me the black one is Chinchilla.. --On the highway going from here to there the question is oft asked "are we there yet". The oft given answer is "not quite yet". So it goes with life and with my little piece of it. This is my story. I get to tell it my way. I hope you enjoy it.
Tina Paxton wrote:
Aspen Bacwaden wrote:Can I breed a New Zealand white with a Chinchilla rabbit? Pics on link.. They told me the black one is Chinchilla..
First: there is a breed of rabbit called a Chinchilla and then there is a color called Chinchilla.
Either way, yes, you can breed different breeds of domestic rabbits together. The general rule is that the doe should be larger than the buck to avoid problems in delivery though I have heard of folks not having a problem with smaller does bred to larger bucks. What you get is a mixed breed rabbit -- and hybrid vigor. It seems popular to mix, for example, a New Zealand and a Flemish. The mixture generally gives you a fast growing meat rabbit that is larger than a purebred New Zealand.
“Enough is as good as a feast"
-Mary Poppins
David Miller wrote:Can I request that anyone breeding meat rabbits list their usual dress out weights, weeks to butchering, breeding stock, meat yield per kit, feeding style (pellets, homemade etc, anything that might affect dressout weights). I'm trying to baseline my successes to understand how much more to expect from my efforts. I'll post my updates when I butcher my first batch here soon.
With appropriate microbes, minerals and organic matter, there is no need for pesticides or herbicides.
Saybian Morgan wrote: I'm a champion of the giant chinchilla, there a rare heritage breed, fast forage conversion, great temperament. i don't think you can go wrong, its a matter of what factors appeal to you, helping save an endangered breed ranks higher than absolute efficiency for me. obviously the breeder matters, you might find a great New Zealand but its only great if you feed them pellets. My rabbits are bred to convert ferns and blackberry vine into rabbit meat, if you feed them store pellets they destroy the feed tray in anger.
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~Karen Lee Mack
Moving to south Georgia FALL 2024!!
You would be much easier to understand if you took that bucket off of your head. And that goes for the tiny ad too!
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