David Miller wrote:Can I request that anyone breeding meat rabbits list their usual dress out weights, weeks to butchering, breeding stock, meat yield per kit, feeding style (pellets, homemade etc, anything that might affect dressout weights). I'm trying to baseline my successes to understand how much more to expect from my efforts. I'll post my updates when I butcher my first batch here soon.
We just breed our first pair Flemmish Giants (Doe) and Satin (buck). We also have 5 month old Florida Whites. We would love to compare notes with you. My wife did most of the research but the Florida Whites should produce something like this. (Per Mating Pair)
8 per litter
@ butcher weight 5 LBS in 12 weeks
Feeding 3 oz per day a total of $5 in feed over the 12 weeks
should be 60% meat so 3 lbs meet per offspring
or 24 lbs of meet per litter in 12 weeks
should easily get 3 litters per pair a year with possible almost 100lbs meat.
We feed ours hay, grass and greens from garden. and only 3 oz of pellets daily
This is just our ruff math with NO real data to back it up.