Rob Meer

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since Oct 16, 2014
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Southern Indiana
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Recent posts by Rob Meer

Hello Peter,
I'm in Southern Indiana (actually a subtropical zone in the summer) Zone 6 most of the time.
What Fungi would you suggest for good nutrition, easy to handle for the beginner in this area of the country? I love to eat them and take a supplement that has several mushrooms in it, but would like to grow my own and have plenty to cook with as well.
I do have white oak available and forest with variety of trees.
8 years ago
First saw this on a door in an apartment building. Guessing it's the same guy with a larger door. Paul, what country is it in?

perhaps a different designer.

9 years ago
Thanks for the information, suggestions and links Art. I realize I'm the alternative American, when I'd rather drink rain water than chemical laden treated water. The presence of fluoride and chlorine are concerns for me. Off to do research and hydrate. Again thank you for sharing your knowledge here!
9 years ago
Hello Art, Welcome and good luck on the sales.
I'd like some basic advise on keeping and using greywater. When I collect rain water, what is a safe way of treating it without chemicals for consumption by pets and we humans ? Or is there?
I'd like to use a collection system for our clothes washer water and shower water. Will all of the soaps 'drop out of the water over time via gravity? If so what is the timeline and how would one facilitate it?
Thanks for stopping in and helping out!
9 years ago