Hi Adam! I have no farming experience, but I have been trying to acquire as much knowledge as I can before I embark on my farming journey. My grandfather owned and operated a small dairy farm, but sold all of his dairy cows in the 70's and decided to get a job delivering milk for another larger dairy. He purchased a few beef cattle just to keep in the pasture, but he loved dairy cows. He passed away and all of his cows were sold. I was very young, and I never had the opportunity to learn anything from him. My husband and I do not own any cows or any other animals yet, but we hope to purchase a small herd in the next few years and start a small diversified farm. In addition to your book, Dairy Farming: The Beautiful Way, what other resources and books do you recommend? I have seen a few books that you have listed such as Management Intensive Grazing by Jim Gerish and Quality Pasture by Allan Nation. Thanks so much!