Srinivas Kasulla

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since Apr 13, 2015
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Hi Gerald,
Operating Principle of BIMA digester.

BIMA digester is divided into 3 separate sections, being connected liquid and gas wise. The three sections are the main chamber, the upper chamber and the central tube, to which the feed-pipe is connected. In this central tube prehydrolysis of the substrate takes place. Most of the biogas is generated in the main chamber through the decomposition of organic materials. By closing an automatic valve in the gas pipe between the two chambers the gas produced in the main chamber is collected there, which in turn displaces an equal amount of the digested substrate into the upper chamber, building a level of difference and thus a gas pressure in the main chamber. When the required level difference is achieved (mixing pressure), the gas pressure is released by opening the automatic valve in the gas connecting pipe. Thus the substrate displaced into the upper chamber flows back to the main chamber with high velocity. A portion of the waste flows to the main chamber through the mixing wings while the rest flows back through the mixing shafts. On account of this, fresh substrate, scum and sediments are perfectly remixed with the contents of the main chamber. Thus the new pre-hydrolyzed substrate is mixed with active biomass in the digester. Another portion of the digested substrate, which flows out through the mixing shafts, pours onto the surface of the main chamber, thus avoiding formation of scum.

Srinivas Kasulla
9 years ago