Sean Rafferty

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since Apr 24, 2015
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Recent posts by Sean Rafferty

I would love to buy some live plants. I need Cytisus proliferus!
4 years ago
Do we know of anything like this in Southern California? I've followed the cutator of the Kauai food forest fot a while. I live in the Suburbs of North County San Diego at my parent's house. I yern for a piece of dirt on which to practice organic, natural farming. If anyone has any specific information please don't hesitate to let me know.
6 years ago
Here in Southern California, my suburban garden has been severely stunted by this beetle in the past. I like that idea of the bone sauce. I've read that those pheromone traps don't work when they're full of bugs. Maybe the dead bug compost wouldn't work exactly like the bone sauce. However, if you treat the fresh dead bugs like the animal bones in Sepp's recipe or just spread them around your plants, perhaps that would have a similar effect. I'm intrigued by the idea of eating them. I also don't have chickens or ducks, but my friend's stepfather does. Maybe you can pander off your surplus of dead bugs.
6 years ago
My friend has faith in the unsustainable lifestyle that is so common in big cities and areas of major population. In one of our discussions I heard the statement that bot every desert is man made. Is there any scientific evidence that the deserts of the world are man made? I am particularly wondering about the Sahara, Mojave and the Gobi deserts.
7 years ago
I want to convert my pool to a artificial pond so that wildlife like ducks and fish can take up residence. Of course I'd have to add the fish. But I'm wondering

1. How do I oxygenate the water without electricity?
2. How Do I keep dirt and silt from getting into the pump?

I was thinking a clay pot sitting over the drain at the bottom of the pool. Then, a weed cloth over that, and pebbles over that. Finally water over all of these. Has anyone tried this before. If so, how did it work. Here is picture of my layout.
9 years ago
Does anybody here live near San Diego and would like to go mushroom hunter. Or does anybody have mycelium or spores of Panaeolus cinctulus and would be willing to trade?
9 years ago
Does anybody live in San Diego and want to go mushroom hunting with me? Our does anybody have some mycelium of Panaeolus cinctulus?
9 years ago
I'm still not sure what's eating them, but I covered them up and now the nibbling has stopped.
9 years ago
Thats what a little patience will do.
9 years ago
"Moves and counter moves" like how fungi help ecosystems respond to stimuli. I love patterns. My favorite is the hexagon because so much can be done with it. As one builds a hexagonal garden it can be adapted and changed according to changes in ones own experience. Start small grow big. :)
9 years ago