In an effort to make the problem the solution I have come up with what might be a crazy idea. I wanted some input before I try this. The Japanesse Beetles have just arrived here. The
local social media is abuzz with the organic versus chemical control debate. Personally, I am in the beetle trapping camp. I am being told I will attract more beetles to my property this way. (I already know this as I've been trapping them for 3 years now.) I don't have
chicken or ducks to
feed them to. So, I empty the trap into a 2 gallon
bucket snap the lid on and leave it in the sun until the beetles are dead. Then,I dump it in the
compost bin. This spring when I added compost to my vegetable garden the beetle shells were still visible in the compost. So far, I'm not seeing much damage in the vegetable garden. I'm wondering if I have stumbled across a variation on Sapp Holders bone sauce. Has anyone else tried something like this?
In my case my small orchard is in a suburban back
yard. I would like to build a
swale just up the hill from the apples. But, since my house is a duplex and I don't want to put off potential tenants I am looking for a way to make an invisible swale. This is where the Japanesse Beetles come in. If the dead beetles are working like bone sauce then spreading them near the
apple trees would provide some protection. Just in case there are any viable eggs that might lead to a hatch of grubs I intent to spread them on the hill above the trees in the hopes that
moles will eat the grubs and loosen this soil and build my invisible a swale. Does this seem reasonable or have I been possessed by the spirit of Rube Goldberg?