chip sanchez

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since Jan 10, 2016
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Recent posts by chip sanchez

Hi All, i have been using oak and avocado leaves as mulch and piling it up to make compost as well. my plants love it and worms naturally go into the piles.
i am planning to start using moringa leaves in there as well since the moringa is full of nutrients and grows like a weed in my area. i have already added moringa powder to my compost tea and it came out great. I was just wondering if anyone else has tried this and what were the results?
8 years ago
Hi Ross, i live in south florida where it doesn't get to cold. it's actually 70 degrees right now and feels like 80 when i stand in the sun. But my question is if you left a deep freezer or cooler outside wouldn't that act as a freezer even not being plugged into power? or couldn't you just put stuff into ziploc bags and bury it in the snow? sorry if the question seems dumb but i know i can leave a pan out in the sun here and it will get hot enough to cook eggs. so using the weather to our advantage can help save on our electric bill
9 years ago
finally got some pics.
9 years ago
Hi Dave, i also use oak leaves as mulch. i store the fresh leaves in tubs and containers first and let them compost down half way. i don't shred them but they seem to get shredded naturally while composting. Worms (quite a few) also get into the tubs somehow and eat the oak leaves. but for now i would recommend to put the leaves in your raised bed and then a light layer of wood chips or bark to hold the leaves down.
9 years ago
I tried to take a picture of it today but the camera on my phone is not working. i will get a pic up asap. im also going to use my drill to make holes in the roots and put some compost and seed. im not sure what kind of tree it is (banyan maybe) but it has huge roots exposed all over. the area might just become my root graft garden.
9 years ago
Hi all, a few months ago i planted papaya seeds all around my yard just to see if any would grow with the stun (sheer total utter negelct) method. only one did. it grew out of the massive roots of a huge tree. i know this is not quite grafting but i believe that the papaya is using the water and nutrients from the tree by tapping into it's roots. has anyone ever seen this happen or know of a way to make it happen? i was thinking of trying to dig out holes in the roots and plant seed there.
9 years ago
Sorry Sharon, i dont have much as im just starting out. i do have some avocado seedlings and purple and yellow passion fruit seedlings
9 years ago
Hi, im in south fl and have some loquat cuttings. i believe they will grow in your area. the fruit is amazing and im willing to swap for some chaya or just about anything really.
9 years ago