Bryant, I'm sure Moringa will grow for you in Arkansas. It will freeze back in the winter but if you mulch and cover the base well, it
should come back
from the
roots in the spring. Trick is keeping the
root from freezing. I would give it a try. It is worth potting some cuttings in deep buckets for replanting
in the spring. I eat it 2-3 times a week in salads. Or, if you grow from seeds and start them in a pot, be sure the pot is DEEP. The tap root grows faster than
the top. And, if growing from seed, it will stunt the growth if not put in the ground with in a week or two if the pot is not deep
enough to allow the tap
root it's
freedom. You can even grow from seed annually and get good harvests. The Moringa will grow several feet from spring to fall. Just plant them
where the seedlings will get plenty of room and sun while watering regularly, couple times a week. I would plant 10 or more 3ft apart. This should give
you an idea of how it will grow for you.