Tina Norducci

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since Mar 19, 2016
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Recent posts by Tina Norducci

My question is....what is a good natural, inexpensive brand of turmeric supplement? I currently use the dry in my morning smoothies (1/2 - 1 tsp.) daily. But at that rate, I'm finding out (a $5 a bottle of organic dry) it can be a little costly at this rate. So, I was thinking of switching to a supplement. But there are so many out there, some of which are pretty pricey, I'm not sure which one to choose. Any suggestions? I'd like to get one that includes the piperine to aid in bioavailability.
8 years ago
By the way, did I tell you how much I LOVE this forum!!! The conversations and information are endless and have been so informative. Thanks guys!!!
8 years ago

David Livingston wrote:Extra income too if you can sell them some of your surplus produce

That's exactly what I was thinking David! I'd love to expand new horizons on natural products and organics! If anyone else is interested (or curious) you can check out RVwithME.com and actually see what I'm talking about.
8 years ago
First off, thank you all so much for the warm welcome. My sister and her husband recently came back from a 3 week road trip exploring the country. They used this service and said it was absolutely amazing. The landowners were incredibly welcoming. From what I understand, most RV's are self-contained, so hook-ups aren't needed. It gave them an opportunity to meet amazing people, while seeing areas of the country otherwise not available.
8 years ago
Ok, I need you guys advice. I ran across a website today, which offered a new way of making some extra income on my homestead. The basic concept is, I can offer a spot on my land for an RV'er to park their rig for a night, week or month and charge them whatever I think is a fair price. Or, (and I thought this was pretty cool), charge them a reduced rate in exchange for labor. So, what do you think??? Good or bad idea? Would you do this?
8 years ago
Hi guys!! I'm a newbie on this site so I'm just warning you, be gentle. My husband and I are homesteaders and after discovering this forum I realize.....I don't know as much as I thought I did. lol. There's lots to read and I have lots of questions, but I just wanted to introduce myself first.
8 years ago