Hendrik Post

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since Mar 31, 2016
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Recent posts by Hendrik Post

Hi Chris
I am sorry that I forgot to put in the property location. The property is an hour west of Thunder Bay, half an hour west of Kakabeka Falls. The trees rights, surface rights and  minerals rights all belongs with the property. There is a large pond on the property which can be expanded.  Yes, you and your girlfriend would be welcome, although I think this property is to far out for you. I am not on this property yet either. Right now I am in the Ottawa-Cornwall area.
7 years ago
have a 159 acres with a 2 or 3 bedrm cottage with drilled well, small solar and wind generator and propane hook up for fridge and stove  Also a wood stove for heating. This property is in a non-organized township, completely surrounded by crown land. 3 kms offI township road.  If you want to truly "farm naturally" hopefully own the land, live off-the-grid , have community and so forth then I think this could be the opportunity for you. It will not be easily, with hard work it can be done. You can start now and you are welcome to buy into the property anytime when you feel you have the means. There is No rental charge.  You can email   atthe2farm@gmail.com  
7 years ago
I have a 159 acres with a 2 or 3 bedrm cottage with drilled well, small solar and wind generator and propane hook up for fridge and stove  Also a wood stove for heating. This property is in a non-organized township, completely surrounded by crown land. 3 kms off township road.  If you want to truly "farm naturally" hopefully own the land, live off-the-grid , have community and so forth then I think this could be the opportunity for you. It will not be easily, with hard work it can be done. You can start now and you are welcome to buy into the property anytime when you feel you have the means. There is No rental charge.  You can email   atthe2farm@gmail.com  
7 years ago
Hi Shaun

I have 160 acres 45 mins west Thunder Bay. You can email me for more information. atthe2farm@gmail.com

8 years ago