Kristi Lee

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since May 22, 2017
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Recent posts by Kristi Lee

I live in zone 9b on the Northern California coast. I planted a peach tree 2 years ago and it had never lost its leaves. I don’t remember what variety it is but I know it is a low chill variety. Has anyone else ever experienced this? And do you think it will affect production? (This will be its third growing season here so I would think I would see at least a few blossoms this spring)
4 years ago
I just found this thread. I love all your stuff Daron! Any 2020 updates?
4 years ago
My daughter and I create Permaculture models using real plants.
3+ acres with 3 bedroom, 2 bath house on beautiful oak and pine woodlands. 250’ of riverfront with beach and awesome swimming hole. Beginnings of permaculture set up in place. 2,500 gallon rainwater storage, other downspouts diverted to gardens, fenced food forest planted with 29 different perennial fruits and veggies, a big down oak tree inoculated with four different mushrooms, room for small livestock, unfinished basement area under the house that could be a perfect cellar, gardens planted with native and pollinator attracting, low water plants, and my favorite part.. a 120 sq ft Happy Hut that can be a guest room, art studio, or ?, oh, and a tent platform down in the forest overlooking the river.
The house is about 12 years old. The roof is good, a great well and pump, septic was pumped this year, whole house fan, gutter guards, great neighbors. Located in the beautiful Shenandoah wine country of Amador and El Dorado counties in California. 2000’ elevation so a sprinkling of snow. Enough to be pretty but not a pain. And some real wilderness. It’s a magical spot. $380,000. Cash or conventional loan only.  Pictures by request.
Contact Kristi
Mark Sheppard is the one who inspires me with his work to make large scale Permaculture mainstream in commercial farming.
6 years ago
Penny Livingston is amazing. I attended her final PDC in Bolinas CA. She was a friend of Bill Mollison and has been teaching courses and working around the world for 30 years. Incredible woman.
6 years ago
The floor gets probably three hours of sun. The room is a large space and I was hoping to do something to take advantage of those sunny hours.
7 years ago
My house has a raised wood floor with an enclosed basement space underneath. It currently has a horrible wood laminate that I would like to get rid of. I was wondering if it would be worth my while to put in a thin coat cement floor to gather the sun that comes in all my south facing windows. As I understand it, you can put a thin coat cement floor over wood like this but will there be enough mass to give me any heat collection?
7 years ago