Gurth Rotherwood

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since Aug 14, 2018
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Hi Trish et al,
New here and love this thread.  I've been growing foraged apios in S. Ontario (Z4 a-b) for a few years, and from the pictures I saw here they don't look much different from the improved varieties.  Many small tubers, a few large ones, etc.  I get plenty of flowers, and the occasional beans.  I suspect I have a mix of diploids and triploids, matching what I see in the wild (lots of flowers, variety of tuber sizes, few beans).  Almost all the wild ones I see grow on river banks, and loose tubers get carried by currents (hence lots of vegetative clonal dispersal).  A quick couple of questions:  are the improved varieties noticeably different, from your experience?  And would you be interested in tuber/seed exchange?  I typically get very few seeds (especially this year: bad drought), but lots of tubers.

6 years ago