Matthew Anderson

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since Aug 31, 2018
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Recent posts by Matthew Anderson

Hi Dr Tilgner and Permies! The tag "Herbal Medicine" in the daily-ish email caught my attention and I'm so glad it did! I recently finished a nutrition program and in its absence have started exploring the herbal medicine world. As we speak I have my first attempt at a muscle/joint rub with all kinds of wonderful medicines in it is sitting in a double boiler. I've been having a blast hanging out at the local herb shop and just talking to the owner. I'm casting my ballot for one of the book give aways because I'm super broke but would love to get my hands on one! And if I don't win I'll just cut back my grocery budget for the month and order one anyway, so either way I'm looking forward to diving deeper into the world of herbs.

The nutrition program I just finished really emphasized the use of references and published research to back up health claims, so I'm really interested a book about herbs that also contains lots of references.

Who knows...this could be my first step towards becoming an herbalist AND nutritionist!

Welcome Dr Tilgner and thank you for your work!!
5 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:

Matthew Anderson wrote:I watched with dismay the video on how to increase my pledge after I had already increased my pledge. I definitely did not do it right.

I also can't seem to find anywhere on the kickstarter page to confirm that I entered the correct shipping address. There doesn't seem to be a setting anywhere to verify or edit this info.

Thank you for the assistance and my apologies for the extra work.

The address gets asked for later.

US Shipping, right?  And you would like at least one physical copy, right?   If that's true, use this link to send over the shipping

Payment sent! Yes that would be US shipping. And yes to the physical books. Thank you for helping fix my blunder
5 years ago
I watched with dismay the video on how to increase my pledge after I had already increased my pledge. I definitely did not do it right.

I also can't seem to find anywhere on the kickstarter page to confirm that I entered the correct shipping address. There doesn't seem to be a setting anywhere to verify or edit this info.

Thank you for the assistance and my apologies for the extra work.
5 years ago