J Sko

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since Oct 22, 2018
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Thanks for the responses, I’m trying to get a lot of trees in the ground as soon as I can but I’m also trying to get about a 1/2 acre to 1 acre in the next two years. I have a market vegetable garden and I’d like to add fruit to it and do a CSA model. I grafted that little amount just to try it out but I’m trying to propigate my own rootstock to save some money, does anyone have experience with this. From what I’ve read, you can clip the plant low and cover it with sawdust then it will sprout new shoots. Or would it be easier to pop seeds and graft in a year or two?
6 years ago
I’m starting a permaculture orchard with a mix of fruits, nuts and herbs. I got a handful of rootstock and scion this spring and got 70% to take. I didn’t have my new property at the time, now I have a place but they are still in pots.

I want to cover crop the area for a few months before I plant at my new place, would it be better to plant them close in the ground like a nursery for a year or leave them in pots?

I’m in zone 5b, too late to plant this year? Will they be ok in the pots overwinter?

Also I wanted to put sawdust on top of the ones that didn’t take to force new rootstock, should I plant them in the ground first or leave them in pots?

This is my first post, new to this I hope my questions are clear. Thanks for the help
6 years ago