Jen Anderson wrote:I have not officially started menopause yet even though I am in my mid-50s. Lifestyle or genetics I have no idea... I did start getting random joint pain and insomnia in my late 40's, especially in my hands and elbows. I could not get a diagnosis. I gave up all alcohol and sugar (except for honey, molasses, date syrup). No more joint pain or insomnia!
Josh Hoffman wrote:Look up "The Cross Legacy". You can search the type you are considering washing. When my wife told me about it, I was skeptical. But, seeing what comes off the food (and certainly what we can't see) along with the fact that the washed foods keep way longer than unwashed, has made me a believer.
This is if you must buy it at a grocery store. We don't wash anything we produce at home.
r ranson wrote:Thank you so much everyone!
I'm so glad I asked as this is exactly what I was hoping to learn. It's so individual. And yet, common themes.
Is menopause a single event or is it a process?
Douglas Alpenstock wrote:
BUT: I'm poking around some of the newer research, and it looks like there are edible garden plants that do take up lead. This is concerning.