Louise Foffonof

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since Feb 14, 2019
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Recent posts by Louise Foffonof

I'm to jump Right in. Friday February 1st at 4:30 in the morning my goat Barn burned down with 10 of my goats in it. There were four dose with kids on their sides one wether in 1 doe with no baby. My survivors are my buck and my three itwethers. I am beyond devastated. it was absolutely the worst thing that has ever happened to my whole life 💔.
I didn't think I'd ever be able to move on I couldn't even look at my goats pictures I still can't look at my goats pictures but I decided to start again. I'm purchasing a new doeling on Saturday
She is a bottle baby. My question is she's going to be my only bottle baby is she going to be okay alone in my house by herself until she's old enough to go out with the boys?
5 years ago