Til House

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since Mar 22, 2019
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Recent posts by Til House

steve eisenstein wrote:Hello!

we're looking for someone to volunteer some daily work (4+ hours) in exchange for basic accommodations and food. Wwoofer style but cooler...
we're on 7 acres very close to Asheville center, lots to do here including, but not limited to growing food, landscaping, permaculture practices, experience is a good thing...

Please call or write. Let us know what are your passions.

Hi Steve,

I've just recently become a wwoof member and am looking for a volunteer opportunity in the Asheville area. The second week of July is when I am aiming at arriving at a host location. I'd be happy to connect with you and discuss your needs.

Look forward to hearing from you.
5 years ago
Hello Gordon. Have you fulfilled your needs for your property?
5 years ago
Hi. Are you still interested in volunteers?
5 years ago