Kirby Carmichael

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since Jul 22, 2019
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Nayarit, Mexico
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Recent posts by Kirby Carmichael

$23 Can for 1 lb. ?

Jon was looking at aroun $6 / lb.

I picked some up here the other week for $5mx ($.40 Can) for a kilo.

5 years ago
Also according to this article in Mexico Daily News

"Poor harvests, high demand and cartel control in parts of Michoacán, Mexico’s avocado heartland, have caused prices for the fruit to soar to as high as 100 pesos (US $5.25) per kilo in recent weeks"

link to full article.

5 years ago
Try going to a farm supply (fertilizer and such) store. My son worked in a farm supply warehouse in BC and they carried all kinds of Food Grade stuff.
5 years ago