Charles Hugh Bryan

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since Sep 19, 2019
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Recent posts by Charles Hugh Bryan

Good morning Dr. Tilgner,
 I just received the 2nd and 3rd issue of your books this morning and thankful I have a warm activity to study while it's snowing and cold here.
 Thank you again for all you do and look forward to getting myself busy soon in my greenhouse.
Have a great New year.
5 years ago
  Hello again Dr Tilgner,,
   I've ordered the 3rd edition as per your recommendation and hope to gain much knowledge from it.
I really like this website as it reminds me of the Mother Earth news in the 70s. Just straight forward, good folks sharing learned info.
 I'm thankful to have found this group and use as much as I can to make the planet a better place.
5 years ago
Hello Dr Tilgner,
 I've only recently joined permies and discovered a life style I've dreamed of.
 Thank you very much for your work and I've ordered the 2nd edition and will buy the 1st and third too.
I'm a retired mechanical engineer having worked for a global pharmaceutical corporation. I've been battling congestive heart failure since 2002, but have given up all conventional meds and gone to suppilments and herbs.
I feel better now than I have in twenty years and devour anything that may help others or myself.
 I studied Dr Andrew Weil and was intrigued about his studies, although I'm not going near Phoenix any time soon. I do have several of his books and they made sense to my analytical mind. I hope your books will expand them.
 I moved off grid to northern Az and just finished my aquaphonic system. During the down times, I research many websites relating to energy efficiency and natural cures.
I hope to give seminars at some point rather than teach at the local college, and have sent links to many about permies and now your contact info.
 I pray your books and info will let me grow my own and share with many.
   Thank you again and have a prosperous new year.
    Charles Hugh Bryan
5 years ago
Good morning permies,
 I'm Charles Hugh Bryan, a single dad for many years and now that my children are grown and very successful, I get to find out what I'll be when I grow up.
I've told my children that growing old is inevitable, but growing up is optional.
I was blessed to have extended family to help me through the hard times after our divorce and health troubles. They mostly were our Church family, many of the blended families, who were searching as well.
GOD, gives you friends to appoligize for your family, I've been told.
I've moved to a very small town in northern Arizona and building my last new house. I'll give seminars here, rather than teach at Show low college, and intend to use my skills as a former mechanical engineer, to build and teach folks how to live within their means. I believe this is my calling, to give back/ pay it forward now that I've planned my place.
I really appreciate this site and have been studying the rocket mass heaters and now batch stoves.
 Thaks for all the creative input and fascinating subject material. We are all on the same page.
5 years ago