Dem Charles

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since Mar 10, 2010
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Recent posts by Dem Charles

Hey everyone!

I'm going to be working a weekly communication session into the small community I am a part of and I'm looking for some help on ideas for themes and activities. One of the activities we will be doing is deep listening with partners, but that is the only idea I have at the moment. I know talking sticks are used, but thats more for when there is an issue at hand. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks so much!
12 years ago
Thanks for the insight. Did some research into Walipini's , essentially a pit greenhouse. I really like the rocket stove heater, that, and a north wall lined with black drums could all together help keep the greenhouse at a good temperature. I dont know anything about growing in winter since this will be my first time living in such conditions, but I still wonder if a pit greenhouse could maintain the necessary temperature during below freezing days, the Walipini was designed for the southern hemisphere...hmmm?

Also, if anyone knows of ways to build thermal mass/cob without much clay, this would certainly be a help. I'm still brainstorming on where to place the thermal mass part of the rocket stove heater, either around the greenhouse interior perimeter or running across the middle of the greenhouse partially or fully subterranean. Seeing as I don't know the clay composition of the soil (or how to extract clay from soil just yet), I would like to have some clay-less cob alternatives available should this be an issue.

Thanks for the ideas so far!

14 years ago
Hey Everyone,

I am looking into building a greenhouse on a property in the Adirondacks, in the north east of the United States. Considering that we are already heading into Fall and Winter is right around the corner, there are some concerns about what the best type of greenhouse to construct would be, and if it could be properly heated and maintained during the cold winter months. Ive done some research on greenhouses and I dont know what the best option for a smallscale greenhouse would be without having to put large energy inputs into the process in such a short period of time. It would be ideal to find a cheap and efficient way to create a productive greenhouse that could be used this winter, without exorbitant heating costs.

Does anyone have any examples of greenhouses being productive in such cold temperatures without elaborate heating systems? This is a small cabin property pretty far away from any city, so supplying the property with intense construction materials is also a problem.

Any advice would be helpful!
Thank you!

14 years ago
hey everyone!

Im a fellow permie looking to see if anyone would be kind enough to send me any books on permaculture that maybe they are done with and wouldnt mind passing along to a newbie. Im moving to France in a month to study permaculture on a friends property but dont have the money to spend on all these great books I need for research. They are so expensive!!!
If anyone is willing to send me some books, I can repay you for shipping(i live in California).
Thank you for your support!!!

14 years ago
Hi everyone!
Im interested in getting a better understanding on how permaculture and related movements are shaping up in Western Europe in comparison to the US.
What are the different issues facing these two regions in sustainability?
Are Europeans more open and prone to permaculture over Americans? It seems there are these pockets in Europe where a lot is being done, such as the UK, Bulgaria, and even Portugal but some other countries such as Germany and France aren't really as active. Am I correct in assuming this? And what makes one country more prone to participating in permaculture over another? Is it economic or political affiliation?

I'd love some insight into this!!!
Thank you!
14 years ago