Mashala Cross

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since Jul 21, 2020
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Recent posts by Mashala Cross

My husband went out and fed the chickens this morning and everyone was fine. We went out for their late afternoon check and one was sitting in the corner of the coop (outside in the cold) and wasn’t moving. We thought she was dead but then opened her eyes when my husband picked her up. She’s now inside under a heat lamp and we were able to give her some electrolytes with a syringe and she drank. We have checked for eggs and don’t feel anything and don’t see any mites or lice. What else can we do for her?!  Any advice?
4 years ago
Good morning to you all!  

I live in Texas on 2 acres with my husband and two kids.  My husband and I have gardened for about 10 years or so, but are looking to turn our land into more food and want to acquire some more animals.  We currently have 6 chickens (3 laying and 3 almost to laying age) and just yesterday added two ducks to the family.  Eventually we would like to get more land, but know there is a lot we can do on just our small acreage.  I'm excited to find this forum and look forward to diving in and reading all of the expertise you guys provide!  

I look forward to chatting with and learning from all of you!
4 years ago
We acquired two ducks from a friend that didn't know what they were doing.  They bought ducks from our local feed store and expected to just put them in their pond and be done with care.  The ducks are four weeks old and have not been given niacin at all.  We picked them up yesterday and after we saw the larger ones legs knew that it had not been given the proper nutrients.  We went straight to the store and got niacin.  My question is, at 4 weeks and already showing signs of leg issues are we too late to help?!  Is there something else I can do to help it out?  Thanks for any and all help that you guys can provide!
4 years ago