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Nick Candy

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since Sep 08, 2020
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Recent posts by Nick Candy

Hi Everyone,

The property I am looking to buy has never had a site survey and so we are going off the deeds (from the 1950's!). There is a gate and dirt road that looks to be on the property, yet there is no easement I can find record of. The seller is not willing to pay for a survey (he is elderly and it will cost $10-15K) and I don't want to risk that type of money if I pull out of the deal. The road is on one side of the property in an area I would not really use. I would appreciate any advice on next steps and potential issues and liabilities.

Thank you
4 years ago
Thank you all for the information. This community is really great. Going to call PG&E for a quote.
4 years ago
Hi Everyone,

I imagine this has been answered before, but I could not find a post on this site.

For a parcel of land I am looking to purchase, the power lines are <500 ft from the property. What would it roughly cost to bring power to the property?

I have seen some sources say the power company will do this for free (as so close), while other sources suggest it might be $$$. The property is in El Dorado county (CA).

Grateful for any advice.

Many thanks,
4 years ago
Wow! Thank you all for the quick and helpful responses. I haven't broken down building costs in that much detail... this is super valuable to know. Currently I am really liking prefab homes - a model I like is $80K. I guess it would take another $100K to put it all together + foundation + other stuff... so with land all in ~$350K.
4 years ago
Hi Everyone - new to this community

I currently homestead in the suburbs (Walnut Creek, CA), but looking to get more acreage and go more rural. I have got a list of considerations, but I am not sure where to go for some of the answers. Specifically:

- Rules for/against keeping animals on the property
- Check what types of building can be built on property

I am always open to suggestions. I am looking slightly north of Placerville, CA.

Many thanks,
4 years ago