Join us for an unforgettable end to your 2024 Summer, living and building in community on the healing grounds of CAYA Sanctuary, nestled in the foothills of Mt. St . Helen’s. In this four week workshop, we will explore different elements of natural building, design, and carpentry while completing a 180 sq ft Pallet Cob Dwelling with a reciprocal frame living roof, earthen-lime floor, cob sculptures, earthen plaster, and clay and lime paints. Click the link below or in our bio for more details on workshop content, location amenities, and how to register🙏🏼
Topics covered during hands-on work sessions and lectures include:
-fundamentals of site selection
-floor plan design essentials for a cottage to perform well in your climate
-site soil assessment and testing systems for cob, base plaster, finish plasters, and earthen floors
-foundation fundamentals
-post and beam framing
-window and door installation
-calculating, planning, and raising a reciprocal roof
-living roof systems and installation
-electrical & plumbing design and installation
-insulation options and installation
-modifying and installing a pallet wall system
-preparing pallets for receiving plaster: attaching wood lath, slip making and applying, etc.
-formulating, mixing, and application of cob, earthen base plaster, earthen finish plasters
-creating sculptures and niches with cob
-inserting bottles in walls for light and beauty
-formulating and pouring an earthen/earthen-lime floor
-earth pigment collecting and processing for making interior clay paints
-making and applying limewash
If time permits we will also cover:
-how to build a cob bench
-installing a kitchen with a vanity, sink, and shelving
The skills you will develop in this course include:
-planning and managing a build of your own
-developing intuition around assessing, selecting, and formulating successful earthen plasters
-a comprehensive range of carpentry skills, such as using a wide variety of electric and battery operated power tools, using a transit level, safety practices, tricks of the trade, etc!
-working and living in community
-building physical strength and proper body mechanics to maintain physical well-being while doing manual labor
-finding joy, freedom, and confidence through doing challenging things
Caya Sanctuary is the perfect setting for this experience, offering idyllic forest campsites, wood-fired hot tubs, refreshing river swims, saunas, cacao-fueled dance sessions, weekly community bonding circles, and an optional evening of breathwork with a soothing sound bath. In addition to gaining the skills necessary to build your own healthy, earthen home, we will deepen our capacity for living communally, and empower each other to become better versions of ourselves.
We are so excited to play in the mud together and build a beautiful cottage in the process🙌🏼🛖🌈
Click the link below or in our bio for more details on workshop content, location amenities, and how to register🙏🏼
Follow us @claysandsoul on Instagram to stay in the loop about this workshop and other offerings
Follow our hosts, CAYA Sanctuary @cayasanctuary on Instagram to learn more about the Plant Medicine work they do and how they are building their retreat center