Taylor Shaw

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since Mar 17, 2021
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Recent posts by Taylor Shaw


I am from the US and traveling to India in January. I am a horticulturist, ecologist, and general native plant enthusiast. I am seeking educational opportunities to explore Indias native ecosystems. I am looking to spend time in nature learning about the local plants and animals.  I am happy to tag along with folks conducting native plant and animal surveys, taking a formal class, or connecting with wild foragers/ ayurvedic farmers. I am open to any and all suggestions and ecological experiences!
2 months ago
Hello all!   I love experimenting with starting native plants from seed but I am at war with pests and heat and rain. For those of you that start plants from seed outdoors, and don't have a lot of space or shade in your growing area, what structures have you designed to keep plants cool, and protected from insects. I'd love to see some photos! Thank you
1 year ago

I have a cherry tree in my front yard that for the last several years had been growing solo. I want to purchase another cherry tree for cross.pollination. I would love so variety suggestions, preferably not dwarf and hardy in zone 6.

Thank you
1 year ago
Hey all,

I am looking to make a diy seed starting mix that is reliable. As of now we have been using 1 part coco coir, 1 part vermiculite and 1 part compost. I would love recommendations for improvement on ratios, ingredients and nutrients additions. Thanks!!! We have access to work castings.
2 years ago
I am working on Maui at a small produce farm. We have caly volcanic soils that is extremely compact. We also have 4x the recommended amount of phosphorus in the soil, and a pH of 7.5. The previous farmer added limestone a few years back which I think is responsible for the high PH. The high pospherous is theorized to be due to excessive use of manure compost being added to the garden.    Any thoughts on how to lower the phosphorous and pH number. We are apprehensive to continue any onsite composting at all, in fear that we will perpetuate the issue by recycling plant matter from our own garden that is high is phosphorous.  What would you do???
2 years ago

Looking for seed rate and spacing advice for growing baby greens for salad mixes.  I am helping with a small scale production and do not have a push seeder yet. Average row length for baby lettuce will be 15 ft by 4.  So far I have been sprinkling one row of seed every 2 inches OR seeding 4 inch bands of seed every 12 ft or so.   How do you all seed baby greens? Any tips for doing this by hand?    For example: on seed packet says 60 seeds per 1 ft but how the heck am I suppose to apply that? Any help would be appreciated
I need seeding rate help for a small scale garden. The cover crop says 1-3 pounds of seed per 1000 sq ft but I only have two beds ( both 4 ft x 45 ft ) coming to a combined total of 360 sq ft.

I am going to use the rate 3 pounds per 1000 sq ft to figure out how many 1bs of seed I need for 360 sq ft. Any help and or resource tutorials would be seriously appreciated!!

Thank you
2 years ago
Hello! Are you still looking for interns? How about through the winter season? What does the position entail?
Hi all!

I have been searching and posting high and low for the opportunity to apprentice under an experienced and thoughtful beekeeper. I am finishing up my 3rd year of beekeeping here in CT and we are headed into winter. I'd love to in continue learning and working hands on with all things honeybees. I'd love to apprentice at an apiary whose season will still be running during my in long winter but if that doesn't work out I would also love to work with someone who is building there own hives and other apiary supplies. I interned at a Biodynamic honeybee sanctuary and have an interest in off the beat and path folks such as Kirk Webster. I am happy and willing to leave the states. I'd love for anyone who is interested or who might know someone who is interested in setting up a work-trade exchange to reach out! Or perhaps you have a resource that you think might be worth checking out. Any and all input is more then welcome. Thank you all!
2 years ago