Heading to India: want to experience India's ecology
0 |
Taylor Shaw
Taylor Shaw
asia |
Asian jumping worm
4 |
Taylor Shaw
Mark Wyborny
bugs |
Outdoor seed start set up
1 |
Taylor Shaw
Hugo Morvan
plants |
Cherry tree zone 6
1 |
Taylor Shaw
Mercy Pergande
trees |
Seed starting mix using coco coir
1 |
Taylor Shaw
Anne Miller
soil |
Soil levels show high phosphrous and high pH, what to do!
6 |
Taylor Shaw
Douglas Alpenstock
soil |
Tips/tricks seeding baby green mixes
2 |
Taylor Shaw
Anne Miller
gardening for beginners |
seeding rate help
2 |
Taylor Shaw
Joe Hallmark
cover crops |
Looking to apprentice
3 |
Taylor Shaw
Michael Cox
honey bees |
Looking for Beekeeping apprentice program
1 |
Taylor Shaw
See Hes
internships & apprenticeships |
Looking to find position with experienced beekeeper
0 |
Taylor Shaw
Taylor Shaw
jobs wanted |
Onion and leeks planted in fall
5 |
Taylor Shaw
Cy Cobb
alliums |
figuring out grow lights
6 |
Taylor Shaw
Joshua Bertram
plants |
Small pop up green house reached 110 degrees F
6 |
Taylor Shaw
Heather Staas
plants |
“The Medicinal Herb Grower” book–volume 1, by Richo Cech
2 |
Taylor Shaw
Taylor Shaw
medicinal herbs |
Cows milk
3 |
Taylor Shaw
Douglas Alpenstock
food as medicine |
BCSR ( albrecht method )..Thoughts?
3 |
Taylor Shaw
Nancy Reading
soil |
Refractor Meter
2 |
Taylor Shaw
Taylor Shaw
gear |
Should I quit this position?
17 |
Taylor Shaw
Arthur Angaran
personal challenges |
storm water management
4 |
Taylor Shaw
John C Daley
rainwater catchment |
herbal resources
7 |
Taylor Shaw
Marisa Lee
organic |
Growing sunflowers in wet soil
1 |
Taylor Shaw
Anne Miller
flowers |
no till sunflower for 1 acre, what the heck tool do I use?!
3 |
Taylor Shaw
Anne Miller
cover crops |
Growing in back fill
1 |
Taylor Shaw
Scott Stiller
soil |
Pumpkin cover crop
2 |
Taylor Shaw
Scott Stiller
cover crops |
3 |
Taylor Shaw
Matt Todd
gardening for beginners |
Tips to grow healthy American Persimmon tree and service berry
3 |
Taylor Shaw
Matt Mill
fruit trees |
compost smells like ammonia
7 |
Taylor Shaw
Mk Neal
composting |
rookie mistake - planted into fine ground wood chip mulch
1 |
Taylor Shaw
Douglas Alpenstock
composting |
Creating a pollinator meadow
7 |
Taylor Shaw
Jonathan Baldwerm
flowers |