I like growing mint-family plants because they're so easy - mint, catnip, anise hyssop, wild bergamot, and the less-obviously-minty thyme, oregano, basil, rosemary and lavender. Many of these survive winter in my garden, but the last few cannot and must either be brought inside in a pot or I just buy another plant.
In keeping with my low-effort lifestyle, I "grow" yarrow, self-heal/heal-all (another mint fam plant), mullein, St. John's wort, fleabane, milkweed,
wood sorrel, wintergreen, pipsissewa, evening primrose, fireweed, plantain. Those are all things that appeared at my place without me doing anything. They are wild here. I have added (or have collected seeds for) several lobelias, boneset, prairie sage, pearly everlasting, other milkweeds, mountain mint, culver's
root, things like that. I mostly gather herbs from wild populations but want to establish the same here in my garden, to help them proliferate and give myself a more ready supply that I can harvest from less cautiously.