daniel george

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since May 25, 2021
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HI Dianna Lyn

   I am new here and never even posted an add but I did see your beautiful pic and read on.I am very much an outdoorsman with the hands on skills and resources too handle pretty much anything.I am a logger practising sustainable harvests of quality timber.My past is a complete outdoor history as a trapper,guide and a commercial fisherman.I am not off grid but live on edge of the wilds of Canada in a log home I build here on a river 38 years ago.I do grow all my own food and still do some hunting for game.I have considered taking a complete plunge off grid but at 60 I enjoy the comforts in a beautiful rural setting.I do own about 500 acres that is remote that would over the perfect place to start over and I spend each summer there logging in my RV.
  I do see we are a world apart but like minded people are rare.I am searching for a place too attach a pic here but don't see one.My email is logger48@hotmail.com
                                                                         Take care,Danny
3 years ago