Jesus Abascal

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since Jun 25, 2021
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Recent posts by Jesus Abascal

Wow , your hair looks wonderful , i bet you are wondwerful too
3 years ago

Susan Raby wrote:Need something in Denver area, can be outside of metro, if you are interested in buying land out there, I'm attractive, hardworking, easy to get along with etc and have studied homesteading for years

Hi Susan , it would be very nice to meet , tell me some more about your area , you seem to be a very nice person .
3 years ago
let me intoduce myself , im 61 and widow male  , looking to run away from  comun society.
I have no land ,but I  would buy it .
I have no partner but I would get one .
Tired of running my own couple of companys , and looking to go off the gridd.
have hunted all over america , europe , asia and africa .
About farming , and homesteading well.
knowing how to do this things but never done them .
Looking foward for hard work , and nice woman to invite into the
adventure of my life  , tender and nice is a must
any age , religion or race suits me perfect .
As simple as posible .
can shoot straigth , car rear a trailer like anyone else .
Love for horses , and wildlife .
Simple living , good talker , not smoker , but it does not bother me .
Its my first post , so have mercy please .
3 years ago