Jameson Bliss

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since Sep 19, 2021
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Recent posts by Jameson Bliss

This is such a shot in the dark but seeing your post is probably the closest I found in hopes to fulfill my dream home; an earthship.
Hi, I'm Jameson Bliss, I just retired the military after 20 years and am in the process of buying 3 acres that starts on a huge bluff overlooking a huge southern view. This land is in Falkner County near Greenbrier.
I'm starting to look into the possibilities to make this really happen, but am getting lost in the permits, restrictions, collection of resources, and other red tape in order to make the home of my dreams.
I would love to hear from you, your mentorship on how you made this happen and if at all possible meet and see what our version of a dream home looks like with my own eyes in this great natural state!
Will you help?
You can reach me on facebook.

3 years ago