Hi, I am considering purchasing the Liberator rocket mass heater -
https://rocketheater.com/products/the-liberator-gen-2-without-hopper - and I would like to integrate it with thermal mass. The house is 2 stories with a basement. There is an additional room in the back of the house which is a later attachment on slab, no basement below. This additional room is 28' long, 16' wide, and has a 10' opening to the rest of the house. Although this room is not the most centrally located (which would be ideal), it has no basement, so there's no need to add structural support, something we might need to do were we to install it elsewhere. I had a wood stove installer come to my house, and he mentioned that the Liberator, since it gets very hot, might make the room it's installed in uninhabitable with very high, sweat-inducing temperatures.
Does anyone here with experience of rocket mass heaters or the Liberator in general have any guidance on this? I am a newbie when it comes to all things firewood.
We spend a lot of time in this additional room and the adjacent kitchen, so the plan was to spend a lot of time in this room and the kitchen during the winter while the stove is running, but if it's too hot to really be in, then the plan doesn't compute. Ideally the heat would spread through the house & even upstairs a bit, but it's hard to tell if that'll really happen.
Happy to provide a floor plan if that would shed more light.