Monika Vee

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since Jan 23, 2023
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Recent posts by Monika Vee

I switched our pans to cast iron back in December and can't believe I didn't do it sooner :O So easy to cook and maintain! It doesn't happen every time, but 90% of the time I can cook eggs without sticking

Note to self: Make sure super helpful visitors know not to soak them to help clean up :O

Youtube Video of the Eggs Sliding Around
We just finished our outside, open colony and they're living it up! However, I can't help but notice more and more hoots both day and night. It's been 2 weeks and no sight of owls, but we know that will not be the case forever. We have mini disco balls painted with polycrylic hanging from the roof to deter hawks and besides the huge mound of clay in which they're creating their tunnel systems, we have plenty of cubbies for them to hide in. We also have a 3 level electric fence around. Owls pose a different threat at night. The only solution we have thought of thus far is putting a bird net from the roof down to prevent any owls from getting in to snag a bunny. What have you tried and how did it work?

Here's our opening night

1 year ago
My gangster hubby finished the colony (rushed by a surprise pregnancy from a doe we got :-O!) and we let the rabbits loose! Our goal is to maintain a happy, harmonious colony and we noticed that 2 of the 4 adult does were being aggressors. Space and resources are not an issue so we decided to harvest them. We made an instant pot Hasenpfeffer(rabbit stew) with our own twist that was so scrumptious! Anyhoo, I've been making bone broths out of the chicken bones and was wondering if rabbit bones are jam packed with nutrients and if it's worth saving and making. Does anyone know or tried? The goal is to have 2-3 rabbits a week for us(and enough to feed our 3 shepherd pups!) so we'll have lots of bones(from us, not dogs ) and I'd hate for them to go to waste.

If you're curious about our colony buildout, here's a clip of the opening night!

1 year ago
Letter "Q" could be a cast iron skillet!

Letter "H" could be a farm stand!

1 year ago

Song of the season
1 year ago
Has anybody tried to clone Goumi? We’re getting mixed responses from online searches so we’re wondering if anyone has experience with it?
1 year ago
Oh awesome, worth a try, thank you!
1 year ago
We have rockwool cubes that didn’t seed out and I’m wondering if they can be reused? We’re thinking of boiling them to sanitize but not sure if that would do the trick. Has anybody reused theirs?
1 year ago
We started keeping poultry this past September and went with Rhode Island Reds and 2 ducks, Magpie and Welsh Harlequin. The ducks actually started laying first, right before Christmas and have laid an egg a day thus far. The hens started trickling in January so right now we have 5/6 laying so we get at least 5 eggs a day! We’re drastically ramping up our chicken count to have enough for us(we go through about a dozen a day) and to sell to our community. We have 34 chicks, 12 ducks and we’re hatching(for the first time) another 22 eggs all by the end of this month. Oh boy!🙈
1 year ago