My gangster hubby finished the colony (rushed by a surprise pregnancy from a doe we got :-O!) and we let the
rabbits loose! Our goal is to maintain a happy, harmonious colony and we noticed that 2 of the 4 adult does were being aggressors. Space and resources are not an issue so we decided to harvest them. We made an instant pot Hasenpfeffer(rabbit stew) with our own twist that was so scrumptious! Anyhoo, I've been making bone broths out of the
chicken bones and was wondering if rabbit bones are jam packed with nutrients and if it's worth saving and making. Does anyone know or tried? The goal is to have 2-3 rabbits a week for us(and
enough to
feed our 3 shepherd pups!) so we'll have lots of bones(from us, not dogs

) and I'd hate for them to go to waste.
If you're curious about our colony buildout, here's a clip of the opening night!