Adam Klemenz

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since Dec 29, 2024
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Hi my name is Adam and I’m 37 yrs old and have wanted to homestead/ farm for many years. I’m looking to completely change how I live and eat. I’m a hard working tradesman my entire life, I have many skills from carpentry, plumbing, electrical, water systems, welding and HVAC and heat pumps to name a few. I love to learn new skills and techniques. My goal is to be self sufficient and learn all I can about growing food and animal husbandry. I’m a very entrepreneurial person, I believe there is excellent opportunities in sharing this kind of lifestyle with visitors renting air b and b’s to get a farm experience with fresh eggs and what not. I’ve spent a lot of time in Colorado and absolutely love it there. I’m very interested in working with you. I would love to talk on the phone or through email, what ever works for you. My number is 207-332-8632 and email is
1 month ago